Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Creating a Discord monitor in Unity

Recently I stopped making excuses, mainly that I don't have the need artistic skills, and started learning Unity. Why Unity? 🤷  It seemed to be what the cool kids were using. As an added bonus, picking Unity meant adding a new language to my belt, C#. Learning Unity was strait forward and I quickly got the basic down. Now I need a good beginner project to take my Unity skills to the next level.

After much humming and hawing, I came up with idea of making a Discord monitor. The basic of it is I would use Unity to communicate with a Discord bot to show 3D avatars representing the Discord Users online in a given server. The perfect beginner project, strait forward and simple to implement with good opportunities to expand.

After some time, maybe a week, I got this:

Unity spawns little blue avatars showing online Discord users in my server. Their server display name is shown above their heads.

The ultimate end goal for this project is to have a fully fleshed out environment that the avatars can wonder around and interact with. Representing actions and interactions that Discord users take in the server. Also I'll probably sprinkle in some server management tools in the monitor.

In the more immediate now, I'm going to work on avatar pathing. The main goal being that when users join a voice channel, there avatar will walk to a room in the level representing that voice channel.

The code repo for the monitor can be found here and the Discord bot can be found here. They use WebSockets to send JSON messages to each other. With the Discord bot being the WebSocket server. In latter post I will go into detail of how this all works.


  1. neat project, looking forward to seeing it in later versions

  2. That looks cool man! I'm new to programming and I'm currently making a discord bot but I'm excited for when I can do projects like this!
